“93.8 Now” Interview: How I transitioned into an entrepreneur in the music niche
In this video snippet, I share with listeners of 93.8 Now, how I started Stradivari Strings in 2010. And also how Stradivari Strings is geared mostly towards the musically inclined adult.
“93.8 Now” Interview: Adults who start violin lessons and cello lessons
In this clip, I share the % of adult learners keen to pick up a music instrument. What music background our adult students have, if any. This encourages any adult learner to take the stop forward to learn to play a music instrument.
“93.8 Now” Interview: How to achieve success in anything you do
In this video clip, I share my perspective on the importance of motivation level in learning a music instrument as a factor in determining the probability of success.
“93.8 Now” Interview: Background of our adult violin students
In this video, Hans shared with us his background as an adult learner who started learning the violin 5 months prior to this interview.
“93.8 Now” Interview: Live performance by our student Mr Hand Affendi
After learning the violin over 5 months, Hans performed live on 93.8 Now. Have a listen and be encouraged to learn to play a music instrument as an adult.
“93.8 Now” Interview: Top strategies to learn the violin or cello quickly
In this video, Hans shares his music interests, as well as the music routine he has set up to improve his playing and performance techniques.
“93.8 Now” Interview: Our unique violin and cello selection process
In this video, Mr Hans Affendi shares his experience selecting violin and violin bow with Stradivari Strings.
“93.8 Now” Interview: Good tone versus price. Is there a correlation?
In this video, I answer the question of whether there is a correlation between good tone and price, for bowed strings instruments.
“93.8 Now” Interview: How to take care of your violin or cello?
In this video, I share my knowledge regarding the care needed for violin and cello.
“93.8 Now” Interview: Don’t despair if you do not have perfect pitch!
In this video, Hans shares the importance of getting perfect intonation so as to be able to locate correct finger positions on the violin or cello fingerboard.
“93.8 Now” Interview: How important is music theory in learning a music instrument?
In this video, I share my perspective on the importance of learning music theory when one wishes to learn a music instrument.
“93.8 Now” Interview: The 3 types of learners
In this video, I share the 3 types of learners of music instruments. And the importance of understanding this to structure the lesson plan accordingly.
“93.8 Now” Interview: 3 factors in ensuring that you become a violin or a cello virtuoso
In this video, I share the 3 factors which are important in ensuring your success in learning a music instrument. Self motivation, quality of coach, quality of tool (ie the violin and the bow, the cello and the bow, the viola and the bow).
“93.8 Now” Interview: The secret of progressing fast, in learning the violin or cello
In this video, I share my view of the importance of building one’s basic foundation in learning a music instrument.
Credit to Andrew Chow for securing this media interview.