Most of the young students who are taking violin lessons for beginners are most intrigued by this beautiful instrument because of the expressiveness that one can make from the strings and also the beautiful sounds. The very first question that hits your mind is if you will be able to play the violin like a pro. When you are choosing to play a musical instrument, it can offer you multiple challenges, especially for beginners.
However, you must know that it is up to the student’s attitude and the way they will handle the challenges. If you perceive something hard, the chances of getting frustrated are much higher and can also result in simply giving up. Either you can take the current challenge and try to overcome it to enjoy a life filled with music, or you can simply give up.
Besides, failure and success also depend upon the teacher. When you are taking violin lessons for beginners from a skilled and experienced teacher, you will be benefited much faster learning. Since they are knowledgeable, they will be able to gear the lessons much easily and strengthen you from the core.
Having said that, the question still remains the same, “is it really hard to play violin?” The answer will always remain on the approach made by you to overcome the challenges. So let us have a look at some of the most common challenges faced by beginners.
Violins are said to be unique string instruments as they are played and held in a very different manner. This instrument is mostly placed on the left should underneath the chin and is fingered using your left hand while your right hand will be operating the bow. Positioning is one of the very first challenges faced by the students.
When it is about the violin, it will require you to keep the coordination between both hands, but each hand is for a different purpose and has unique challenges. The left hand will be engaged as the fingers will find the notes. There is no fret in violin like guitars have to guide the players for finger positioning. The playability or intonation of the instrument depends on the finger placement of your left hand. This will require consistent practice for developing muscle memory.
There are several teaching processes like the Suzuki methods, which are specially made for developing your ears and muscle memory. Another method is using tapes to create the frets on this instrument. This can guide you in learning finger positioning.
Your right hand will be busy controlling the bow. This helps to create vibration in strings and produces sounds. You have to make sure that you are hitting the right string with your bow with the right hand while your left hand is holding the right strings. As mentioned, muscle memory plays an integral role in ensuring the correct pressure and speed. Even the tiniest change in pressure or vibration can alter the sound.
Indeed it is hard as it sounds, and developing yourself in the techniques requires years of practice.
Irrespective of the instrument you are trying to master or play, practice and dedication are the two important things that ensure efficient learning. If you are aiming to become a proficient violinist, make sure you are practicing every day. No wonder we are all busy with our social, work, school, and personal life, but any instrument, especially something challenging like the violin, needs daily practice. Even it is for a few minutes. You have to make sure that you practice violin every day.
You have to be diligent and provide time to develop muscle memory. Most of the beginner students get frustrated because they are incapable of finding coordination in the fingers and the bow. In the initial days when you are learning the technique, it can be difficult to judge. As mentioned, a small problem with speed can result in producing unpleasant sounds.
Learning violin requires practice, passion, patience, techniques, and endurance. When you have taken the pledge of learning violin in the lost, you must take into consideration the intonation, pitch, clean shifting, bow control, balance, and bow holding techniques. The mentioned skills require daily practicing to make by providing amply time.
There is no doubt that playing the instrument by keeping your ear is the judge is possible, but in the initial days when you are a beginner with no seasoned ear, the challenge will be there. Therefore understand the musical notes will make it easier for you to play other music.
Just like learning the way to play the violin is difficult, reading music is also very challenging. However, the rewards are certainly good, and therefore your efforts will not go in vain. For the violin, you must know that there are more symbols and terms, which makes it inevitable to learn and also understand the notes. Moreover, the duration, time. Dynamic rankings, time signature, and key signatures are unique notations. When you are taking the violin lessons Singapore, you will be offered training in the school about musical notations.
Make sure you find a good music school that has trainers.
This is probably one of the biggest challenges. You can find many names in the market but finding someone truly skilled and able to help you learn the instrument is hard to find. You must be looking for the violin lessons Singapore offered by the trainers and which again requires you to do comprehensive research.
If you are willing to become a violinist, you must be ready to take the challenges and have a positive attitude to overcome them. Nothing is really impossible if you are dedicated and have the patience to continue your passion.
Make sure you enroll in the top violin lessons Singapore to be able to fulfill your dreams. The courses, the trainers and their techniques can become a lot beneficial for you.