February 15, 2022

Important things to know before taking guitar classes

Before you go to the guitar classes Singapore, you should be aware of a few things. Undeniably learning music is a magical experience especially when you first start learning guitar. The initial experience with a guitar is filled with big desires and wanting to become an expert guitarist. However, the problem is learning guitar is […]

January 19, 2022

Why Should You Spend Your Money on Guitar Lessons?

If you’re just starting out on the guitar and want to learn advanced playing techniques, then the thought of spending money on guitar lessons might come to your mind. There are many reasons why you might want to spend the extra money on guitar lessons Singapore. Some people are frustrated by the thought of learning […]

December 10, 2021

How To Find The Best Guitar Lessons Singapore?

There are many ways to get quality guitar lessons Singapore. YouTube is an excellent choice. Most of the top instructors can be found on YouTube so that you can find them easily. Alternatively, you can find them online. You should have a guitar and a positive and good attitude. There are many websites for learning […]

November 18, 2021

Is It Too Late To Take Guitar Lessons Singapore?

Do keep in mind that it is never too late to take guitar lessons Singapore. While many musicians start learning this instrument at a very young age, some professional guitarists begin in their 30s, 40s, and even 50s. Many guitarists start taking guitar lessons even later than this. Yet, these guitarists manage to do an […]

October 21, 2021

How To Mic Your Acoustic Guitar During Your Guitar Lessons?

Pickups are a fantastic piece of equipment for acoustic guitars. These are a traditional magnet/coil type that mounts in the soundhole or the piezo under-saddle type. These are mainly used during guitar lessons and are deemed one of the most extraordinary things since the string winder. Just think about it. You need not mess around […]

August 30, 2021

Explore the magical realm of guitar lessons Singapore

From the dawn of the musical industry, the guitar has emerged as the victory stand for all music lovers. It has upheld the music industry on its high note and catering to millions of enthusiasts to pursue their dreams. Guitar has its space in the industry that has profoundly embedded. In the late 60s and […]

August 20, 2021

Explore the gem instrument – The Guitar – The most versatile and unique

“Rockstars come and go. Musicians play until they die.” – Eddie Van Halen. Though the guitar is for everybody, from six to sixty, guitar is the most incredible musical ts your mind instrument that affects your mind, body and soul. Therefore, if you are lucky enough to get the chance to start your musical career […]

July 15, 2021

Delving deep into the guitar learning advantages-The foremost facts

The most exciting and demanding musical instrument that the world has ever witnessed! The most versatile tool that holds history and fun filling facts. If you are a passionate guitar lover, you must know the basic facts related to the acoustic guitar. Guitar has been considered one of the most primary and standard musical instruments […]

June 12, 2021

Weighty reasons why guitar lessons are essential for every age

Insights of the life-enhancing benefits Life is a full adventure, and you have got one life to enjoy! When life gives you the chance to enjoy it to the fullest by doing something extraordinary, don’t ever think to miss the opportunity. Remember, you have come with the inborn talents that should be properly utilized. If […]

May 15, 2021

Gearing up your passion with established guitar lessons Singapore

The one-stop destination to learn and explore If you are asked to choose a musical instrument that will give you complete pleasure and immense happiness, what will you choose? Well, it sounds exciting and genuine. Guitar is one of the most soulful musical journeys that assures an active and musical future. But today, we are […]