Just as the famous phrase goes, “Practice makes a man perfect”- whether you are learning the violin or you are taking cello lessons, you need to have the dedication and focus for the instrument. Make sure that you start developing good habits for good habits as, without it, you might start developing bad postures, incorrect finger position, and other technical difficulties. Without correcting, it can become an obstacle in the process, along with making it a lot more challenging to acquire desirable results.

cello lessons Singapore

What are the Do’s and Don’ts of Taking Up Healthy Cello Habits?

We all focus on the Do’s of an instrument practice but then again, knowledge on the don’ts is much required as they make sure to get rid of bad habits. This can become a lot helpful in your career.

DO: Choose the right sized Cello:

This the very first and most crucial. The thing that you have to think about even before taking the cello lesson. A properly sized instrument is the very first need for any learner. This is specifically true for people who want to buy larger string instruments like a bass or cello. Doing so without knowing the right size makes the entire process of mastering the instrument much harder than ever.

The employees or the instructors available in the shop can help you to choose the correct sized cello that fits perfectly on your body. Even teachers offering cello lessons Singapore will also offer the same suggestion.

D’ONT neglect accessories:

You must not neglect to purchase the stop or the endpin anchor to make sure that the tip of the instrument does not slide on the carpet or floor. You can also look for other crucial cello accessories, including replacement strings, extra rosin, wheeled case, and also a mute. Not every time you will require all of these, but yes, you can when required.

DO: Create an efficient practice place personalized as per your needs:

You will always need a space where you can practice your instrument. Your space should always have that thing to attract you and encourage your mental stability. While every musician has this idea of having a solitary practice, corners of the rooms might work.

You must find out time for personalizing your room or the corners, closet, or space which no one uses. Make sure it is clutter-free and has minimal distraction. You can use the space and personalize in a way that consists of everything that you require – starting from a tuner, to stand, to music and rosin. It must have an ergonomic design seat that you can use while practicing. The only reason for such a recommendation, as once you sit, you don’t feel the need for adjustment as it might break your concentration.

DON’T: Overdo The Practice Time:

The newly awarded soloists and the perfectionists during their beginner time might give a lot of attention as they feel like practicing too much would them a perfectionist. You will be surprised at the subconscious self and how much power it is as it helps to improve the ear and also muscle memory, cello techniques, and much more.

Generally, as per the expert recommendation, 30 to 60 minutes of practicing is good for everyone. Practice for five days in a week as it will help to make you a [erfectionist. If it is about a young student, 30minutes can be a good choice as it will keep away from getting bored out of excessive practice.

DO: Tune cello While practicing:

Even when the orchestra or band or it is the last day of your class, make sure you never fail to tune the cello whenever you choose to play. This is the thumb rule even when you start practicing. Even you must know that there are many cellists who spend 15 minutes every day or while they are in their rehearsals so that they are easily able to accommodate.

Apart from the other things, when it comes to playing celli, tuning becomes helpful to develop the hearing ability along with muscle memory. Therefore the more you tune, your ears will be able to understand the right tune and hence can become a better musician.

DON’T: Depend on others to change the strings

It is definitely not expected from a beginner, but if you are someone who is taking cello lessons for a long time, you must focus on learning the way to change it on your own. Youing children will anyways need attention and help, but the adolescents are capable of doing it on their own if they are provided the knowledge.

Changing the strings is not something that happens an everyday bit in times when the strings start wearing out. Learning to change on your own can become a lot helpful and save your pocket from spending on professionals.

cello teacher Singapore

DO Arms, Fingers, and Wrist Warm-Up:

If you start playing without a proper warm-up, it might result in getting injured. When it is about a cello, it needs a huge amount of physical engagement; therefore, it is mostly recommended to do the stretches, warm up the fingers, neck, shoulders, arms, and back. Once you have done the warmup, you can start your scales to improve the finger movements.

DON’T Ignore Your Body Ache:

If you find that while playing the instrument, you are getting backache, you must not ignore it. There are a lot of times when beginners feel some ache, but you must not restrict yourself from talking to the teacher about it.

This can be due to a lot of reasons:


Need for a break

Incorrect posture

Not having a proper warmup session

Improper technique

Too much practicing

These are the signals that your body gives when there is some discomfort and which shouldn’t be ignored.

Bottom Line:

Practicing cello is hard, and being a beginner can be a lot harder. Hopefully, these few Do’s and Don’ts will take you a long way along with having the best cello teacher in Singapore.

 Make sure you inherit the best practice to be able to learn cello at the earliest.